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Imagine you’ve never been more than 10 miles from your home. Never could you comprehend any kind of transportation outside of your favorite horse. You have grown up in a place where distant lands are spoken of but you really have no concept of them. Yet, you feel the unjust effects of a faraway kingdom on your daily life. You work your land and have to turn over most of your crops to a King as a tax. You are never given a say in how your tax is used and never feel any positive effects from this taxation. But what do you do as you cannot imagine any other way of life? Kings are rulers and there is no other alternative. You rights as an individual have never been written or expressed. You feel them inside and recognize their violations but how do you express your desire for freedom?
Today, because of courageous men and women who dreamt of a different way, we can express our right to be free. We know that we are born with unalienable rights that are God given and cannot be taken by any King or ruler. This is where independence begins. We realize it within ourselves and then we work to preserve it.
More and more of the world’s nations are discovering these truths, that in the United States we know to be self-evident. Their feelings of independence and individual rights are stirring their hearts and opening their eyes to new possibilities of how they can live without tyranny.
The Founding Fathers of the United States of America set out to change thought and teach freedom for all men. They established a nation in accordance with these principles and liberties. It has served as a blueprint for democracies worldwide as monarchies fell and men recognized their rights.
This is the legacy of July 4th 1776. We know we should be free to choose within societies that value and protect that freedom. We feel the passion of this conviction and honor freedom everywhere. And we are grateful for those inspired men and women who established this nation – under God, with liberty and justice for all.
Have a wonderful Fourth of July Celebration! From