What’s the Perfect Weight for Bowling Balls?

What’s the Perfect Weight for Bowling Balls?

Posted Oct 5, 2012 In: Bowling Balls
By Bowling.com

What’s the Perfect Weight for Bowling Balls?

For those of us without our own bowlingballs, one of the biggest dilemmas on bowling night is choosing the best house ball. Some choices are easy to make; you might always opt for the classic black ball, for example, while others prefer a brightly colored or boldly patterned ball. Once you've chosen a ball that looks right, however, things can get a little more complicated.

Sometimes it seems almost impossible to find a ball with holes that fit your fingers-they're either so small you can't even stick your thumb in there, or so big it's all you can do to keep your grip! Once that problem has been sorted out, of course, then comes the most difficult problem of all for the novice bowler: deciding what weight to use.

When I was a kid, I could care less about the "right" weight for bowlingballs and would choose the prettiest one, instead-which led to a sprained shoulder when I tried to thrown a 16 pound ball down the lane! After that nasty experience, I learned my lesson a little too well, and would always choose the lightest ball I could possibly find. This strategy also backfired when the ball would go flying out of control, or when I wouldn't be able to generate enough power to bowl a strike. What's a novice bowler to do?

After scrolling through the internet and asking some of my more lane-savvy friends for tips, I think I finally discovered a happy medium. All bowling balls range in weight from eight to 16 pounds, and usually I go by this rule of thumb: balls that weigh eight to ten pounds should be left to the kiddies, while balls that weigh from ten to 14 pounds are usually well suited to ladies such as myself. Guys with a medium to heavy build can use the heaviest balls, though gals with a high-fitness level and a lot of arm power can also try out those heavier balls, if they're so inclined. In the end, the weight of your bowlingball is going to be a matter of personal preference, so you'll probably have to try out a couple before you find your ideal weight. Happy lanes to you as you seek your perfect match!