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Bowling For Peace

Bowling For Peace

Posted Jun 7, 2012 In: Bowling News
By Bowling.com

Bowling For PeaceBeing the first in your country to do something is always makes for a story to and a woman from Afghanistan definitely has a story to tell.  Meena Rahmani's family fled the country of Afghanistan when the Taliban took power, but has sinced returned to her country and now she's doing something that has never been done before.

There is a blastproof door and a lot of armed guards that are looking for any type of concealed weapon, but beyond all that is the root of Meena's story.  Meena Rahmani is bowling in Afghanistan's first bowling alley.  The alley is called Strikers and it is the first and only bowling alley in the country that has been through so much turmoil these past few years.

It may not look like your local bowling alley from the outside where there's soldiers, barbed wire and that blast-proof door we talked about, but once you step inside the alley is just like you'd expect from a bowling alley.  They have lights, a snack bar and all the amenities you should find in a good family friendly bowling alley.

Meena really wants the alley to be a safe haven for those that have suffered so much saying,"They should feel like they could spend hours here in total peace of mind."  She wants people to be able to escape the hardships that they face outside the walls of the alley and be able to escape and have a fun night out with their families.

Strikers came about by chance as Rahmani picked up bowling while she was living in Canada and learned how to bowl during their long cold winters.  Upon returning to Afghanistan she got her parents to invest in her business by selling their land.  Rahmani even had trainers from Brunswick training people about the ins and outs of bowling and the lanes are brand new imported from China.

While the business is risky it's a ray of hope in an otherwise dark place.

Tagged As: Afghanistan | Bowling | Peace