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Getting Ahold of Your Ball

Posted Sep 10, 2015 In: Bowling Tips
By Bowling.com
Getting Ahold of Your Ball

Often, bowling balls provided by your local bowling alley will not fit perfectly. For those that are looking to bowl with a ball other than their own, this should give you an idea how to find a ball that is meant for your hand.

When selecting a ball from the rack you should look for one that fits your thumb first. The thumb hole should not too big or small. This can be checked by putting your thumb all the way into the thumb hole and checking the fit.

Next you want to check the span. With your thumb inside, lay your hand, or the span of your hand, palm flat, over the ball. You want to see that the second crease of your middle and ring fingers are about 1/4 inch over the first edge of the finger holes on your bowling ball. Then make sure the finger holes on this ball are not too big and not too tight. Find something that will work for you that is comfortable.

Now that you have the correct hold on the ball, it is important when starting out that you learn the correct way to position your grip. When holding the ball, put your fingers in first about 1/4 inch above the second crease and then your thumb. Make sure your thumb is in all the way. Turn your bowling ball so that your hand and palm are under the ball and hold your ball to your side, at about waist level. Then bowl away!

Tagged As: Bowling | Bowling Tips