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Category: USBC

Young Anthony Simonsen Making a Name for Himself

Posted Feb 19, 2016 In: Player Bio | USBC

Anthony Simonsen won the 2016 USBC Masters on Sunday, winning the title as the youngest player at age 19, younger than 1979 PBA National Champion Mike Alby by 44 days...

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Team Trials Experiance

Posted Jan 13, 2015 In: USBC

The opportunity to join Team USA for bowling! A chance of a lifetime if all things are going right. In order to make Team USA, you must bowl for 5 days on 5 different oil patterns. Each day consists of 6 games which gives you a total of 30 games throughout the week. The patterns we bowl on are sport compliant which means they are quite tougher than your typical league night. The 5 patterns we bowled on were; Montreal, Seoul, Beijing, Tokyo, and Mexico City. You can find the patterns at https://worldtenpinbowling.com/rulesandpublications/patterns.php..

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New USBC Hall of Fame Inductees

Posted Dec 31, 2014 In: USBC

Featured Image Just recently Larry Laub and Liz Johnson were elected into the USBC Hall of Fame. Along side the both of them joining their induction into the USBC Hall of Fame will be, Gus Yannaras, Sam Lantto, Fritzie Rahn. This date is set April 29, 2015 in Omaha, Nebraska at the USBC Convention...

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Collegiate Ticker - Oct. 22, 2014

Posted Oct 23, 2014 In: Bowling Event | Bowling News | USBC

Featured Image Lucas Wiseman USBC Communications..

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