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Category: Ball Maintenance
SFA Storming 'Jack Classic
Posted Feb 17, 2015 In: Ball Maintenance | Bowling Balls | Bowling Event | Bowling News | Bowling Tips | Lemke's Look | Storm
This past weekend held a tournament at Palace Lanes which can be found in Houston Texas. Stephen F Austin State University held its first NCAA Tournament at this location. 17 Teams signed up to bowl this event. The days of the tournament were Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Friday consisted of 6 - Five Game Baker(entire team bowls one game) Sets. Saturday consisted of 6 - 5 Person Team Game(each player bowls individual game). Sunday consisted of 3 - Best of 7 Baker Matches...
Altering the Surface of the Bowling Ball
Posted Mar 11, 2013 In: Ball Maintenance | Bowling Balls | Bowling Tips | Coach's Corner
In today's game, coverstock maintenance is a top priority! The ball's track becomes worn with many scratches which will cause the ball to have an inconsistent roll, loss of reaction, and energy on impact to the pins. If you see your bowling ball is not giving you the reaction you used to get it's time to resurface...