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Amazing Approach - Even Better Follow Through
Posted Mar 2, 2012 In: Bowling Skills Video | TipsBy
What is in an approach? This little girl thinks that that is all that is important! So cute. She may have only knocked down one pin but must have gotten points for natural style. She is only four but is very observant. your approach really influence your consistency? Yes, we all know that. If we analyzed this little girl's approach there are a few things she could improve on (go with it - its cute!) Most Pros use a very practiced 5 step approach and their technique is so consistent that it even becomes a bit of a signature. Watching them and emulating is fun and even helpful but we all really need to find an approach that works for us personally. A four step approach may be the majority of what you see on the lanes. This still requires practice to get a smooth approach taking small steps before a rolling release. Or you could just walk up with the ball in two hands and throw it like she did! She had so much fun with the follow through, we should consider this option too.
What I think she was doing was using an incredible visualizing technique! She stayed in that follow through, all the while visualizing her ball hitting all of those pins right down. And she made sure someone was recording her! We just love that a family was out bowling and passing this awesome sport onto their kids. Now go bowling!
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