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Tag: Bowlingball

Bowling Ball History Lesson

Posted Sep 25, 2012 In: Bowling Balls

Featured Image The history of the bowling ball goes back a long way. In 5200 B.C., the Egyptians used stones for bowling balls, playing a game that was perhaps very similar to the one we enjoy today. When bowling became widely appreciated in America at the turn of the 20th century, bowling balls were most likely made out of wood or hard leather. Rubber bowling balls were introduced in 1906, and were the standard until the 1960s and 1970s when the emergence of plastic allowed for the production of plastic bowling balls...

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Want one of the Amazing Clear Bowling Balls?

Posted Aug 30, 2010 In: Bowling Balls | Bowlingball

Featured Image Bowling balls come in almost any color imaginable. They can be a single flat color, a swirl design looking similar to tie-dye, or a single color with a shimmering look.  A very popular type of bowling ball is the transparent, or clear, ball. Clear bowling balls are made in a fashion as to make the ball appear as though there is an object inside. Clear bowling balls can be quite compelling...

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Clear Bowling Balls Bring Out the Magic

Posted Aug 11, 2009 In: Bowling Balls | Bowlingball

When you want all the attention, clear bowling balls put you in the center of the lane...

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