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The Meanstreak Beatdown combines the Addaptive ƒ(P+S) Solid coverstock with the Meanstreak Medium RG core to provide plenty of traction in the oil with a strong response on the backend and excellent continuation through the pins on medium to heavy oil lane conditions.
COREThe new Meanstreak Medium RG symmetrical core features a long and lean design to provide maximum energy retention. By increasing the mass around the equator compared to the original Meanstreak High RG core, the maximum RG is lowered further stabilizing the dynamics to increase the mid-lane traction of the core.
REACTION SETUPThe Meanstreak Beatdown can be drilled using the standard drilling techniques developed for symmetric bowling balls.
Where Does The Meanstreak Beatdown Excel?The Brunswick Meanstreak Beatdown will be Brunswick's strong Symmetrical bowling ball. The Beatdown and Brawler will make a great 1-2 punch. The Beatdown will be about 5 boards stronger than the Brawler. The Beatdown will have a strong arc motion on the backend giving you room right while having the ball under control. Look for the Beatdown to be the ball to go to out of the gate.
Brunswick Meanstreak Beatdown Ball Specs:High-Performance Ball Deals
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