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You as customer have a lot of choices out there. You need new bowling equipment. You are tired of feeling like the ball is really to blame. You’ve stopped here at and you're checking out our blog, thanks by the way! Why should you stop with us? Why wouldn’t you point your mouse towards another search? You want to buy from us at because we are the best at what we do. We know you appreciate the best. We strive every day to provide you the best service, pricing and equipment possible. We know this game is important to you and we're passionate about it too! We feel we succeed when we receive wonderful testimonials complimenting our service. Dawn H. took the time to write to us and had this to say… "I would like to say thank you for the great service your company has provided and thank you to the customer service staff. They were all very helpful and pleasant to talk to. It is so refreshing to have such good professional service." We love getting feedback like this it makes us love what we do even more!
We love the equipment we sell. We can offer it at a reduced rate from recommended retail price so your hard earned dollars will go farther buying your needed equipment from us. It's fun for us to offer the latest in all the brands you love and depend on. has become a very exciting community. We work hard to keep you informed on Facebook and Twitter and send out emails about our upcoming sales and specials.
So, join us. Don’t go out and slog through the crowds at sporting goods stores and ask some 17 year old if this ball has a great hook or not. He won’t know and won’t care, we do. We want you to be able to trust us and order in the comfort of your own home. Our products are thoroughly reviewed and we will answer any of your questions. Let us blow you away and improve your game. Thanks for visiting and hope you stay a while!