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World Series of Bowling

Posted Oct 27, 2014 In: Bowling Event | Bowling News | PBA Bowling
By Bowling.com
World Series of Bowling

The Main news thus far is that Belmo is up 2-0 on O'neill in their Slap Bet Contest. If you are looking to see any of those thus far, head to Jason Belmonte's Facebook page.

Dom Barrett is back to defend his PBA World Championship belt and so far looks to be safely in the top 24 after 21 games. He is averaging 232.14 so far. For more information in regards to the rest of the field, head to PBA.com

Texas so far seems to be the dominant state/country having 4 in the top 24 although Squad B bowls this evening so that may change. Dom and Stuart Williams are holding it down for England.

I believe I read that we have had 5 300s so far and I am sure some more will be on the way. To make it into the top 24 for the PBA World Championship, it is taking roughly a 225 average on some of the tougher patterns out there.

For more information, again head to PBA.com