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TOO Many Bowling Balls!?

Posted Aug 30, 2013 In: Lemke's Look
By Bowling.com

Are there TOO many bowling balls these days? The way I look at it is, business is business. I know personally not being on staff, it is impossible to keep up with any company on their bowling ball releases. I understand the new season is just starting up if not already started for most of us, but to have 40+ releases is a bit much to choose and keep up with. Plus most of us are already looking towards the next release time frame which will produce another 20+ releases before Christmas. Personally bowling is not any cheaper of a sport and in some cases maybe more expensive. Even if we figure $125 for each ball you get plus all your weekly fees, it adds up quickly. The better bowlers obviously get the deals while the rest of us not on staff struggle to keep up with the latest and greatest equipment. We wonder why bowling is on a downward spiral, expensive equipment plus weekly fees for leagues. Open bowling may be on the rise as to where leagues are slowly dwindling. Too bad we won't be able to go back in time where everyone is on the same page with the same bowling ball. Then we wouldn't be able to complain about well so and so had this new ball and I didn't. My next question is, How much better can these bowling balls be with the RG Values being the same for years now. Our max Differential is .060 which creates the problem of not being able to create anything stronger than that. So in reality this next strong ball that comes out is more of a replacement of the last strong ball that was released. The other downfall with technology are that the coverstocks are too absorbent which causes these bowling balls to lose their life at a quicker rate. Which once a bowling ball becomes oil soaked, we can try different methods to bring it back to life some but never to its full potential. This creates us into having to buy a new ball more often than in the past. I don't feel like spending another couple hundred bucks on a new ball when I look at golf, I can buy a set of clubs and could last my whole life. Too bad a ball doesn't work like a golf club and still hit the ball just as far from the first hit to its last hit. This is just how I feel about being swamped into so many bowling balls on the market.

Steve Lemke bowling.com SFA NCAA Womens Coach TOO Many Bowling Balls!?