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Baby Soothed By Alley

Posted Oct 10, 2014 In: Special Note
By Bowling.com
Baby Soothed By Alley

We all love bowling, but when you have a newborn around the house you usually have to find a sitter or miss out on your league action. That is unless you are lucky enough to have a baby that is soothed by the bowling alley.

You see the mother of this beautiful little girl bowled so long into her pregnancy baby Isabella loves being at the bowling alley. She recognizes the sounds she heard so often in the womb that she is happy being fed when they get to the lanes. Typically by the time they're into their third game she's sleeping, like well a baby.

The people at Shore Lanes on Merritt Island have been nothing, but accommodating. How could you not be, she's so cute!

Original story courtesy of Florida Today

Tagged As: Archive | Baby | Bowling