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Thanksgiving is finally upon us. It's time for family, friends, delicious food, and good old fashioned traditions. Every family has always had their own little traditions they do on Thanksgiving together. Traditions are handed down generation to generation just like family heirlooms. Now the most popular Thanksgiving Tradition, the one that it seems every family has been doing, is the Turkey Bowl Football Game. The family goes outside and will play a game of football to see which family members rise over others. Now, that sounds like it's all well and fun, but another tradition, one that has been in the shadows of the football game is starting to rise, one that will make the turkey bowl football game obsolete.
" src="" width="322" height="246" />Instead of playing football while the Thanksgiving turkey is in the oven, it's time you start heading down to your local bowling alley. The bowling alley doesn't make anyone feel left out, there's a bowling ball for everyone! When you're playing your family football game, there is always kids too young to play, maybe relatives too old to play and then some who feel their athleticism isn't as great as cousin Steves' or uncle Jesse, so they don't want to play in fear of embarrassment. But like I said before, when you're at the bowling alley, there is a bowling ball for everyone! The bowling alley always has a way for those too young, or too old, or maybe just those who aren't great athletes, to enjoy the wonders of this sport. The feeling of bowling that perfect strike in front of your whole family can't be described in words. It is more than amazing! And every kid should experience this feeling, every parent should see their kid with such joy and excitement. There are so many different ways of playing with your family at the bowling alley too! You can go family vs family, a free-for-all, boys vs girls, the possibilities are endless! This is the real "Turkey Bowl". We bowl our hearts out, we get turkeys like it is our job, and we do this with our family. We do this with the ones we love, and this tradition will help bond and strengthen families more than a simple game of football would ever do. Give it a try, you're going to love it! Happy Turkey Day!
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