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Lucky Strike?

Posted Nov 2, 2011 In: Bowling Balls | Bowling Tips | Tips
By Bowling.com

Knocking down ten pins with the first ball in your frame is hard but certainly not impossible for beginners. A strike is such a thrill. And once you’ve had this thrill you’ll want more and more X’s on your score sheet. But how are you going to get a strike, not only once, but always? There are steps to a consistent strike and then they become part of the rhythm of your game. Let’s go over some of the mechanics.

First step is simple, right handed bowlers must start off with their right foot while lefties should start with their left. Try it the opposite way, and you’ll discover personally the shame of a gutter ball!

Second step is a little Zen. You have to calm yourself as you pick up your ball. Use whatever floats your boat. Go to your happy place and focus on your throw. Breathe – always good advice.

Third step is to keep your shoulders parallel with the foul line. If your torso twists from side to side you won’t have as straight a throw. Use the dot markings on the lane and make sure you aim for the ones in the middle.

Forth, step forward deliberately swinging the ball back and then forward, following a straight line. Be careful to release before the foul line. Or, as the name suggests you will not get credit for your beautiful strike! Your throw needs some strength and accuracy. When releasing the ball, think that you are shaking hands with the head pin. It might also help to aim your thumb to the middle pin.

Finally, after some practice, you will be able to control how hard you throw the ball and have it go right down the middle line for a strike! Then all that is left is to keep it up and devise a victory dance. Nothing too raucous, keep it cool. Good luck.