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Team Trials Experiance

Posted Jan 13, 2015 In: USBC
By Bowling.com

The opportunity to join Team USA for bowling! A chance of a lifetime if all things are going right. In order to make Team USA, you must bowl for 5 days on 5 different oil patterns. Each day consists of 6 games which gives you a total of 30 games throughout the week. The patterns we bowl on are sport compliant which means they are quite tougher than your typical league night. The 5 patterns we bowled on were; Montreal, Seoul, Beijing, Tokyo, and Mexico City. You can find the patterns at https://worldtenpinbowling.com/rulesandpublications/patterns.php

Like stated before, the players bowl six games each day for 5 days for a 30-game total to determine which of the top three men and three women will qualify for the stepladder finals. The top three men and top three women who qualify, will then be guaranteed spots on Team USA in 2015 and will bowl in the finals for the right to be declared champion, a spot in the QubicaAMF World Cup and prize money.

It was an amazing Team Trials in Las Vegas this past week. The winner of the mens Team USA Trials was Kamron Doyle, and the woman's winner was Shannon Pluhowsky. Great bowlers doing great things to represent the United States in bowling.

For more information on how the Team Trials worked Click Here

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